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    Welcome to my Blog. As I come across things that interest me I post them here. I try to incorporate those things which will help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. Mine is a spiritual journey and I hope you are on one too.....


Shadow People, Ghosts, Aliens or Inter Dimensional Beings

Did you see that dark, fleeting shape out of the corner of your eye? Perhaps you caught a glimpse of a strange entity that is being seen with greater regularity around the world. “What was that?” You were sitting comfortably on your sofa reading the latest issue of Fortean Times in the dim light when movement across the room caught your attention. It seemed dark and shadowy, but there was nothing there. You returned to your reading – and a moment later there it was again. You looked up quickly this time and saw the fleeting but distinctly human shape of the shadow pass quickly over the far wall… and disappear.

Shadow Being

Shadow Being

What was that? Some natural shadow? Your heightened imagination? A ghost? Or was it something that seems to be a spreading phenomenon – apparitions that are coming to be known as “shadow people” or “shadow beings.” Perhaps this is an old phenomenon with a new name that is now being discussed more openly, in part thanks to the Internet. Or maybe it’s a phenomenon that, for some reason, is manifesting with greater frequency and intensity now.

Those who are experiencing and studying the shadow people phenomenon say that these entities almost always used to be seen out of the corner of the eye and very briefly. But more and more, people are beginning to see them straight on and for longer periods of time. Some experiencers testify that they have even seen eyes, usually red, on these shadow beings.

The mysterious sightings have become a hot topic of conversation in paranormal chat rooms, message boards and websites, and it was given widespread attention on The Art Bell talk radio show. Art’s listeners even submitted their drawings of how they perceived these beings, and they can be seen in a haunting gallery on Art’s site.

What are shadow people and where do they come from? Several theories have been offered.

The Imagination
The explanation we get from skeptics and mainstream science – and who are usually people who have never experienced the shadow people phenomenon – is that it is nothing more than the active human imagination. It’s our minds playing tricks on us… our eyes seeing things in a fraction of a second that aren’t really there – illusions… real shadows caused by passing auto headlights, or some similar explanation. And without a doubt, these explanations probably can account for some if not many experiences. The human eye and mind are easily fooled. But can they account for all cases?

To call these entities ghosts demands first a definition of what we mean by ghosts. (See the article: “Ghosts: What Are They?”) But by almost any definition, shadow people are somewhat different than ghost phenomena. Whereas ghost apparitions are almost always a misty white, vaporish or have a decidedly human form and appearance (very often with discernable “clothing”), shadow beings are much darker and more shadow-like. In general, although the shadow people often do have a human outline or shape, because they are dark, the details of their appearance is lacking. This is in contrast to many ghost sightings in which the witness can describe the ghost’s facial features, style of clothing and other details. The one detail most often noted in some shadow being sightings are their glowing red eyes.

Demons or Other Spirit Entities
The dark countenance and malevolent feelings that are often reported in association with these creatures has led some researchers to speculate that they may be demonic in nature. If they are demons, we have to wonder what their purpose or intent is in letting themselves be seen in this manner. Is it merely to frighten?

Astral Bodies
One interesting idea suggests that shadow people are the shadows or essences of people who are having out-of-body experiences. According to Jerry Gross, an author, lecturer and teacher about astral travel, we all travel out of the body when we are asleep. Perhaps, this theory says, we are seeing the ephemeral astral bodies of these twilight travelers.

Time Travelers
People from our own future, another idea states, could have found the means to travel to the past – our time. However they are able to accomplish this incredible feat, perhaps in that state they appear to us merely as passing shadows as they observe the events of our timeline.

Inter dimensional Beings
Even mainstream science is fairly convinced that there are dimensions other than the three we inhabit. And if these other dimensions exist, who or what (if anything) inhabits them? Some theorists say that these dimensions exist parallel and very close to our own, although invisible to us. And if there are inhabitants in these other dimensions, it is possible that they have found a way to intrude on our dimension and become, at least partially, visible? If so, they could very well appear as shadows. It has long been held by psychics and other sensitives that beings on other planes of existence are of different “vibrations.” Science is beginning to look at reality, on a quantum level, in the same way – that particles of the smallest size exist as vibrations. Perhaps, some theorize, the vibrations of our existence are beginning to mesh with those of another dimension, which accounts for the increase in such phenomena as ghosts, shadow people and possibly aliens.

The alien and abduction phenomena are so bizarre that it’s no surprise that extraterrestrials are suspects as the shadow people.  Abductees have reported in many cases that the alien grays seem to be able to pass through walls and closed windows, and to appear and disappear abruptly, among other otherworldly talents. Perhaps, too, they can go about their alien agenda disguised in the shadows.

There’s a good deal of overlapping among the above ideas, of course. Aliens and ghosts could be inter dimensional beings, or aliens could be time travelers – and some believe demons are responsible for all of these disturbing phenomena.

There is no way to prove or disprove any theories about a phenomenon that is so mysterious, that happens so quickly and without warning. Science finds it virtually impossible to catalog or study such phenomena in any methodical way. All we can do, at present, is to document personal experiences and try to piece together what the shadow people phenomenon might be. Perhaps it’s an old mystery becoming more recognizable… perhaps it represents a doorway to and from different planes of existence… or perhaps it’s just shadows.

Eric Pepin

Handbook Of The Navigator Warning

The information you are about to reveal to yourself should be considered very serious in nature. It will systematically challenge you mentally, emotionally and at times even physically fatigue you. The Higher Balance material is considered one of the most powerful metaphysical and spiritual teachings accessible to mankind. Please proceed with caution, reflect within yourself and determine if you are truly ready for such progress.

If you continue, No doubt you will have reservations believing these statements and assume it is a marketing ploy, you would be somewhat correct in both assumptions, although none the less everything here stated is the truth.

If you are a mere curiosity seeker then stop here for this knowledge is not for you. This material is reaching out to persons, who are searching out a hidden knowledge, have felt a calling within their being their entire life. Have already researched and study numerous religions, philosophies, paranormal, metaphysical and meditation systems and determined them not adequate for what their needs warrant.

They feel an infinity with the Universe that is unshakable. Even words attempting to describe the passion they feel shadow its truest meaning. “The Force, God or The One” are words barely capable of holding their most inner thoughts. They seek not religion, but truth and purpose.

Again I give you this warning. Simply reflecting on the material will shape and change your destiny, do not read forward if you desire to remain in the place that you are now.

In one full moment of reflection regarding the knowledge I propose you will no longer be able to return to the person you are but rather you will begin to become the person you have always desired to be.

Assuming you have decided to move forward with the material you should be prepared and understand that the knowledge will reach into your deeper memories and awaken them. Ancient memories will slowly surface and wrestles with the things you have come to believe. Over time and deep reflection, only then you will see that there are fantastical energies and living consciousness all around you and you will understand that they are accessible to those who can fully understand them.

The first place to begin on your journey is “The Hand Book of the Navigator” This is no ordinary book, and it will not only give you great and wondrous incites but it will lead you to the tools and techniques that will free you from an invisible and unknowable chain that has bound to you in this world. It will lift the veil from that which is hidden from you. Once you have this sight, you will never see things the same way again and you will have truly begun to empower yourself.

I say once more. Be warned, for you cannot un-know what which you have learned.

This knowledge is alive and it is evasive. Withdrawing from those that should not hold it within their mind. It belongs to only a few and it constantly seeks them out to be united.

You are about to learn sacred knowledge that has remained hidden for centuries by monks and mystics throughout the ages. Secrets that many of this realm would prefer to have stayed hidden. Once you understand the nature of the veil and move it to one side the wonders of other worlds will become known to you. How much you will learn and experience will depend on how much your true mind can carry.

Some advice, The slower you read the faster you will move. Contemplate, reflect and internalize the truths it reveals for each is a piece to whole that makes a larger piece. Do not assume anything for assumption can be blinding.

Some may fear that the knowledge, the secrets contained in this book may fall in the wrong hands. Fear not as I have said already it is alive and dances to distraction for the mind that does not belong cannot cradle such things, it simply will spill over.

If these words find themselves to you look within and ask “Am I ready for a journey?” If you hear yes, then step forward with the feet of your mind and look high and far for you leave this world never to see it the same way again once you return. If you hear no then rest this book to the side so another seeker my find it.

The stronger your quest, the greater the defiant will arise in your life and discourage you from setting out upon your journey. I ask you now, how many times have you desired for your awakening, how many times have you let it be taken from your hands freely without a fight?

Trust your own navigator to discern this truth and listen not to the bitter and arrogant who would miss direct you on your path. Listen to your navigator and it will set you free.

Once it is alive within you, seek out the rest of the garden so that your seeds my flourish and grow to feed the navigators that follow behind you.

Handbook of the Navigator

Help…. Gaia Won’t Let Me Grow

Over the last 25 years, thousands of self help books and programs have flooded the marketplace. Millions of people all over the world have invested in these programs in order to bring about some type of change in their life. Yet strangely, most people never do change. No matter how much they hear or read or try, nothing seems to change. The question is why?

Gaia Mother Earth

Gaia Mother Earth

You have the entire weight of the Gaia consciousness telling you how to act as an organism within the planet. In the same way that you are the god consciousness of your entire body and have a plan for all the cells in your body, so too does the planet have a consciousness that sets the tone for all the organisms within it. Like a computer program it is constantly telling you what to do and how to be. This is why the majority of people are the same kind of person. There isn’t a lot of diversity in behavior, opinions, etc. Standing out is seen as rocking the boat, so the consciousness of Gaia pushes you to stay in line.

Now this doesn’t mean that it tells you what foods to eat or if you should be a democrat or not. What it is really telling you is to be concerned with trivial things and stick to the program. Be born, grow up, make babies and die. That is the basic program for all beings on this planet. When you die all of your experiences are released, like rain drops into a bucket, into the Gaia consciousness. When this happens, they cease to exist as independent beings. They become recordings of who they were in their lives and are stored as part of the collective consciousness or Akashic Record. The only way to avoid this fate is create a soul and become something more than what you are.

The planet does not want you to become a spiritual being. It need the experiences of beings to develop and grow. If you forge a soul and gain the capability of changing the program, moving outside of it or even leaving Gaia in a future incarnation you have glitched the program in a way. Now, because the weight of the Gaia consciousness is so great, only the strongest and the most dedicated can ever break free from this hold. There is no danger in everyone forming souls and ruining the system. Only the very best, the most diligent can make it.

The second reason that change is so hard is because behavior has a physical component that must also be changed. When you were a baby you had no coordination in your body. You had to learn to use your arms and legs. Every time you did a particular movement, a neural pathway was created and subsequently strengthened in your brain by each repetition. Once you ingrain this movement deeply enough, you cannot forget it. It is now a permanent physical structure in your brain. It has been hardwired.

If you learned to the play the piano and did not have your bad habits corrected as you were learning them, those bad habits become ingrained in your brain. The only way to correct those habits is to retrain the brain by building new pathways to do it correctly. The older we are, the more difficult this is to accomplish. But what it is important to note is that it takes thousands of repetitions ingrain a movement and it is even more difficult to over write an old pathway with a new one.

Now, if you look at your behavior patterns you will see that in the same way that you learned to extend your fingers as a child, you also learned to react to different behavioral stimuli. You didn’t want to do your homework or take out the trash. You build a neural pathway called procrastinator. Each time you procrastinated, you reinforced this pattern in your brain, making it stronger and easier to follow the next time. After 5-10 years, you have become an expert procrastinator just like the person who practiced the piano for 10 years. They built up finger dexterity, you built up your ability to procrastinate.

So after putting things off in every area of your life for 15 years, you decide that you don’t want to be like this anymore. You read books on changing and you vow to never procrastinate again! You do good for a few days until your will starts to fail you or you forget that you aren’t supposed to be procrastinating. You automatically start running that old pattern without even realizing you are doing it. After a week of this you suddenly realize, “I am procrastinating again!” You try some other books and they suggest other methods. You are sure you will change this time. But you get the same outcome as before. You try for a few days and decide its too hard. You are just the way you are and you can’t change. Or maybe its your parents fault or your ex boyfriend?

The problem here is that you aren’t changing your neural pathways to reflect your desired behavior pattern. If you want to stop procrastinating you have to act in the opposite way EVERY TIME you face a situation that allows you to procrastinate. You must literally rewire the brain and over write the old programming. This is not an overnight fix and more than getting rid of bad habits on the piano is. The brain will fight you every minute of the way. The brain likes consistency and does not like to change, especially as we become older and our mind begins to crystallize into set patterns of being.

The only way to make real, long lasting change is to make slow, incremental steps in the new direction you wish to journey to. You cannot take huge leaps in most cases and trying to do so usually ends in failure. Whenever you have a decision to make that involves the behavior you want to change you must recognize it as a choice to change or reinforce an old pattern. Each time you give in to the old way of doing things, you make it harder to change and easier to fall back into.

The length of time it takes to make a change depends on how deeply the original pattern was ingrained in the first place. If it was ingrained with emotion or the pattern has a high emotional charge you work will twice as difficult because they universal language of the Universe is emotion and emoting is the strongest way to program something. You must be patient with yourself and realize it will be a slow process. No one becomes a champion tennis player over night or build muscles in a day. It takes days, months, sometimes years to develop these things. Making a behavior change is no different.

Having the right tools can make your struggle much easier though. If you are trying to dig a hole with a hammer or you don’t realize that every time you scoop out some dirt you are unconsciously knocking some back in with your feet as you move forward then your journey is going to be so much harder than it needs to be. Having the right tools and a thorough knowledge of how to use those tools is essential if you wish to get the most of your time here on Earth.

“Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.” Eric Pepin