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Practice Seeing the Human Aura

Discover how to see the human aura with as little as five minutes of training. You will find out how people can unwittingly restrict their power to visualize an aura because of their expectations. Discover how with a bit of exercise and perseverance one can expose a totally new world of perception and sensory!

How often have we listened to people discuss auras? This is the energy field that covers the physical body. A lot of folks understand the construct but fewer ever see one. Most people presume that the only one’s that see them are alleged psychics and mediums. What if they were experienced on a more day-to-day basis than anyone imagined? What if everyday people like you and I could see them in as little as five to ten minutes of effort. What if each day people saw them quite frequently, but disregarded them because they believed it was an illusion of the light or that it wasn’t an intense enough visual cue to be an aura?

Here is a method one can use to visualize the basic human aura, and is something that anybody with an unobstructed psyche can accomplish. The initial matter we need to realize is that to begin with one isn’t going to see a dense colorized, luminous field of energy. You are going to see a shadowy milky outline around the head and shoulders about two to three inches off of the body. This outline may even appear somewhat see-through and moderately vague.
We have all seen the 3-D paintings in the mall before. You know the one’s that you’ve got to gaze at, relax your eyes and then suddenly, bam, what was concealed is now visible. Envisioning auras is very much the same formula!

All you need to get going is a willing collaborator and a blank wall.

1. Have your partner stand up against a white wall or dark one. Either one is accept able, however, the plainer the background the easier to see.

2. Stand about seven to nine feet away from the person against the wall. Blink your eyes a couple of times and try and relax them. The object is not to strain by focusing on any specific spot.

3. What you want to do is to concentrate on the person’s head, someplace between the bridge of the nose and the top of their hairline. You want to concentrate your primary vision there but use your peripheral vision to see around the head and shoulders.

If you’ve been able to relax your eyes enough what you will see will be very subtle. At first you might even ignore this as being an illusion of the light or your eyes. What the basic misconception is is that when one sees an aura it’s this mysterious field of energy radiating out four feet from the body with multi-colored textures undulating inside it. This is an unrealistic expectation for the undisciplined mind. Before you ran you had to learn to walk.

To begin with it is perfectly satisfactory to only see a vague white outline. With practice and a crystal clear mind one can improve their outcomes and reap a more detailed sighting of the aura. Be tolerant with yourself. With only a little amount of exercise you will be capable of seeing basic auras around all kinds of living and inanimate objects.

The secret is to not to anticipate too much right away! Unwarranted expectation is usually what ruins the experiences people have. It induces them to either not acknowledge what they’re encountering, or to presume they must not be seeing anything because they are anticipating a more unusual vision. Once again, the key to unlocking this extra sensory vision is having a realistic expectation. These three easy measures could be a beginning towards uncovering a world shrouded from your eyes, and perhaps one wondrous step towards a more magical world!

More on the Human Aura