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    Welcome to my Blog. As I come across things that interest me I post them here. I try to incorporate those things which will help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. Mine is a spiritual journey and I hope you are on one too.....


Become The Master Of Your Future

One of the secrets of success is to not work so hard with your physical body; instead, use your mind to work out the details of how to be the person you want to be. Are you motivated to spend 10 minutes a day envisioning the future you want to create for yourself?

By deliberately mentally rehearsing the experience of success in your mind, you can turn aspirations into realities. See yourself free from the old negative habits that have wasted your time, energy, and money. Forget willpower for now and imagine yourself with positive behaviors. See yourself handling any challenging situation that normally triggers your old habits and see yourself using new strategies and doing it with

Success experts say your imagination is your own personal workshop of the mind. This is particularly true when you want to program yourself towards new habits of success.

Visualize Yourself as the Person You Want to Be with Mental Rehearsal.

Mental rehearsal is the most powerful way to tap into your creative process and overcome old behavior patterns. Mental rehearsal can be used in all areas of your life, from seeing yourself as a non smoker, seeing yourself as the weight and size you want to be, and even seeing yourself as calm during challenging times.

Mental rehearsal is a tool that can help you reduce the effects of stressful situations. Now you will be more resourceful, reducing the possibility of reverting to your old habits. All areas in your life can benefit from imagery. It doesn’t matter what level your goals are on: physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

Use visualization to improve your abilities. Because the body follows the mind, if you start seeing yourself in a different light, then your body will follow suit — maybe by not craving the things that hurt you, or by motivating you to exercise more. It’s up to you to experiment. Who knows what miracles you can create in your life by using this
powerful tool?

Counselors and therapists who recommend using mental rehearsal say it is the true key to tap your potential. Their research reveals that all of our skills are learned through the image-making process, whether it’s driving a car, reading a book, or changing a habit.

You use your mind to picture the activity before you actually perform it. Think of it like this: Your mind works like a movie projector, screening an endless reel of memories and scenes of situations both real and imagined. You have the power to direct your movie projector (your mind) to reach your desired goals. Once you imagine something new for yourself, you begin to be flooded with ideas about how to realize that image. All of this will come about when you have allowed yourself to break through your own worst limitation, what you believe are your capabilities.

Your Manifesting Needs CPR

Manifesting is the ability to bring into your life that which you desire. Whether it is a specific person, a certain amount of money, happiness, health and just about anything you can think of. We can even manifest negative things in our lives, such as poverty, illness, depression and a whole host of negative things.

Now I don’t think that everything that happens in our lives are a result of our manifestations but there are certainly things that we have influenced and are a direct result of our thoughts. Most of the time this happens on an unconscious level and we aren’t even aware that we are unconsciously manifesting our heart’s desire. Here is something I have learned that may help you gain a better perspective on manifestation. You can say I had an epiphany of sorts.

Read the rest of the story at friamin.com

The 5 Steps to Realizing “I Can Manifest Money And Abundance!”

Below you will find five things you can do to help you manifest money and abundance in your life.  I learned these from Jafree from The Super Manifestor. This guy really knows how to manifest.

These 5 steps have been designed to help you shift your conscious awareness into truly believing that you are a manifesting being with unlimited potential. Each of the following steps also contains an affirmation that will help you to form a solid foundation to learn how to manifest money into your life. Notice there is a natural order to them. The first step will lead you to the next step and so on. Read the rest at Friamins Blog